Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On Tuesday evening we hosted a backyard pizza party for my quilting group and their husbands. What fun. But of course there's lots of prep ahead of time.
Thats the secret to any successful party, plan ahead.
Just to tempt you--the openers included, twice baked potatoes, stuffed jalapeƱos, and chicken bits. Two salads--one a delicious pasta salad full of olives and roasted peppers-- the other a rather normal tossed one, but the dressing was special. Our pizza oven is wood burning which gives a lovely flavor to the food. I make up the sauces--fresh tomato and pesto ahead, and left overs freeze nicely. Toppings include--besides the cheeses--egg plant slices, onions, tomatoes, peppers, fresh herbs, olives, mushrooms and various meats. This lets everyone do their own--The secret to the dough is plenty of olive oil and ground black pepper!

the political atmosphere here in the region is tense. On BBC this morning saw President Bashar Assad of Syria speaking in an interview, he didn't mince any words! Also in the news we hear that it is taking two days for the Isareli government to discuss and come to a decision about easing (not lifting) the blockade (seige) of Gaza. Also my Inbox had a message from Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)which among other things mentioned the Gaza Flotilla. I am pasting my reaction here, as itwould not show up on his FACEBOOk page--too long? If you read this, I highly suggest you contact your local media--and object to at least the distortion of the facts--

I recently recieved Senator John Cornyn's (R-TX) regular update. He has a facebook page that only posts 'nice" things about him and you cannot write on his wall! so here I will put the portion he wrote about the Gaza Flotilla, and following my remarks. You can contact him directly, but you will only get a "form letter" in about 2 weeks. What's wrong with Washington? people like him!
Recently a group of extremists boarded a ship intended to provide humanitarian relief to citizens in Gaza and deliberately provoked a violent confrontation with the Israeli military. Unfortunately the United Nations has rushed to judgment and criticized Israel’s right to defend itself. Last week I introduced a resolution to express the sense of the Senate that Israel has an undeniable right to self-defense. It is important for Israel to know that the United States remains their strong and steadfast ally, and I’m hopeful my resolution will gain widespread, bipartisan support among my colleagues in the Senate.
This is a quote directly from Senator Cornyn's update. It is straight out of the AIPAC text book, and practically a verbatim quote from the Israeli propaganda machine. 1)the passengers on the ships embarked from Turkey and included many nationalities, including American (one of whom was killed by the "self-defending' Israeli military attackers. This attack is state-piracy as it occurred in international waters, the Israeli territorial waters do not extend 70 miles into the Mediterranean. But what does it matter? Israel practices state-terrorism on a regular basis against the Palestinians. Mr. Cornyn, get your facts not from AIPAC, but from a more balanced reporting--even Fox news is better!
And now we read reports that it is taking more than two days for the Israeli government to make a decision about easing the siege of Gaza.
Incidentally, it might be fair to say that grassroots support of Israel and their policies is waning. Other interesting items--is how much of your tax dollar goes to support the State of Israel? When it comes to budget cuts, it is American benefits--schools and other programs that suffer not the amount sent to Israel. It's time to complain about this--- they are not our friends, they are only interested in themselves.

So what else is new? This week end Ali is expected from Texas--with Laith. That will be fun.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

This thing about Helen Thomas

Helen Thomas got fired--at 89!
She's been around for years, literally a fixture. And her dismissal has opened a real can of worms. She may not have a front row seat, but we will hear her and about her from the sidelines for a long time to come.

From time to time you will see opinions and articles linked here. I trust you are intelligent, thinking adults who can make a rational decision as to whether the facts are applicable, true or not, another conspiracy theory, and so on. Because I offer them to you, does not mean I believe the information, just want to shake up your thinking--and get you thinking.

Never a dull moment!

Well since my last entry, the USA and England tied in their first game at the World Cup! Not a football fan, but a tie is better than a loss! Sorry about Algeria losing, though.

Tuesday evening we will be hosting a back yard pizza party! Firing up the wood oven, and inviting about 12 friends! Mostly are my quilting friends and their husbands. It should be a fun evening--and the fans can go and watch their game when the time comes--- so much for technology!

Finished my table runner--now have to find an envelope to put it in and send it off!

Weather is warm--in the 30's but bearable. As long as it doesn't go into the upper 30's and 40!

Randa found a cute little fluffy long haired yellow kitten--about a month old. At first he was shy, but now he's taken to us all. The big dogs are curious but kind! TT follows him around but is not aggressive. Shadow is rather bored by it all. We have to watch out for Chi Chi who is more aggressive--but the little cat hisses and seems feisty enough to take care of himself. When threatened he gets in the nearest tree!

A couple of weeks ago our neigbhbors whose yard abuts ours by about 5 meters, got two young German shepherd puppies--a male & a female. He chained them up to the dog house next to the property line. (I noted that they were wearing a choker! yikes). During the first night they whined and cried--expected. But then during the day as well. Last Friday we took a look as we were having a party in th eback yard. Poor things--they were whining and crying. No water! Their chains were all tangled up and they couldn't move. Ali went over and untangled their chains, and we filled their bowl. The slurped down the water and we filled it again and they drank half of it. And then they were quiet. About 20 minutes later the owner and friend came down and saw that their water was still their---thought they'd not had a drink? Yesterday Randa said they needed to be loose--to grow etc--and stop crying. He said they'd mess up the yard. Sheesh! He has about a 2.5 meter by 7 meter area that could easily be fenced right next to their house and they could run their. I cannot understand why people get pets and then show them no affection, and basically abuse them. And the neighbors also suffer for the all day whining, and whimpering and barking!

Today trimmed my gardenia and rooted the cuttings. Wow! if they root I will have a whole hedge full of them! Am dipping my fingers in green--just in case.

Till next time

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Looking back--looking ahead

Looking back at the last week or so, there is never a dull moment!
Friday afternoon--June 4, we did a pizza party in the back yard for Ali and Nasser who celebrate birthdays two days running. Ali was off the the US for 2 weeks Saturday. Sunday I was Toastmaster of the Day at the Rainbow club--fun but requires a lot of preparation! Monday afternoon was American Women of Amman--as VP I am busy with a lot of goings on--great fun that day doing belly dancing--and of course the election of officers found me voted in as Secretary for the coming year.
Tuesday went to give a sewing lesson--to a rank beginner! it went well and that should be interesting. Thursday it was quilting--no quilting done--but Hilda served a great brunch!
Friday was a lazy lady! no oomph! But Miqdad brought in the farm produce~ yikes. Cucumbers and more---immediately put up 2 jars of Kosher dills. Prepared 4 lb of tomatoes and made a sauce (Qalayat banadoora) to go on roasted green wheat (freekeh) for dinner. Finished the table runner for Carla.

So here we are Saturday morning and I am messing around again! We have already prepared 3 kilos (6+ lbs_) of green beans from the farm. I will soon go in and do the little artichokes--the outer leaves are dry so I think they will go down to be soft part and become pickles! More tomatoes! Here's a hint. When they are nice and firm and ripe, put about 6 in a plastic bag and right into the freezer. Use them when you need blanched tomatoes--once thawed the skins peel off! Now what am I going to do with those green peppers? More pickles?

This week looks to be busy as well.
First priority is to sort out my 'office"--being the computer/project room. Ali will be back with Laith next week end and so need to put that room into "guest" condition. Also Randa the Interior Desginer is planning on a remodel and new furniture---have to keep her happy. Still waiting to hear from Ali---when.

Next on my schedule of projects----a paisley quilt! The fabric is handy--but I need to start doing the embroidered squares--the pattern calls for 30 of them. Hmmm. I like the idea and the color scheme, but I think maybe----I might just use a different design or pattern. I also have two UFOs that haven't even been cut. They are still running around in my head. One is a Laurel Burch print Dancing Horses in earth tones---A big star for these. Then there is the peacock one that has been hiding in my stash. beautiful deep blues with gold accents. But first the paisely--I think it might go on my bed.

That covers the review and looking ahead--- next time.